Praise & Worship

Praise & Worship

“Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.”
2 Kings 3:15

The VFC worship team counts it a pleasure and an honor to lead others into the presence of the King of Kings! Our purpose is simple and our intent is pure: to touch the heart of God with our praise and worship. As we do this, we believe that God will draw us and our entire church closer to Him. As we seek His face, He will change us from the inside out.

Worship at VFC is led by Brittany Sampson.

VFC live

In the Summer of 2011, we released a worship album entitled “So Close to Me.” The CD features original songs as well as some of our favorite worship songs we sing. Copies are available at the church. Listen to our versions of “Alabaster Jar” and “Come and Let Your Presence” below.

The VFC worship team has the privilege of kicking off at 10:10 am Sunday mornings each week.  Join us and let’s adore him together!